If I show you something from 10 years ago that wins me the match and you have never seen before, will you shut up?
I’ll wait while you go back and re watch all of your favourite Japanese videos of Makoto (There’s a big hint there!) to make sure you think you’ve seen it all before I prove that you’re just another troll looking for facebook.
get ready to click your favourite passive aggressive button okay?
I call you what you are, that’s a bitch who is attacking me for no reason other than to appeal to a crew of cowards who won’t even agree to eat shit if I show them something new.
a crew of COWARDS who won’t even take the risk to call me out on my “bullshit”.
Think about it, a no name like me claiming to be from 10 years ago coming up with new shit? haha what are the chances of that right?
Why don’t you calm down, seriously who gives a fuck what other people think about you on the internet? Also no one gives a shit about online sets, fact of the matter is that 90~% of us are garbage at 3s, it’s like fighting about who has the smallest dick. Dying.
Why should you or I give a platform for these shit talking scrubs to circlejerk?
Also, this is nothing like fighting about who has the smallest dick. That doesn’t even make sense.
This is about a bunch of scrubs trying to pretend like they know what they’re talking about, and me putting them in their place.
Notice how Viache, a retard who decided to get uppity until he was put in his place by me, is now being a passive aggressive bitch boy like I exposed him as being? He thinks that by trolling me, he can somehow change the fact that he doesn’t know jack shit about what he’s talking about. Post another bitch you relate to.
Also notice how jblair has disappeared and gone back into passive aggressive bitch boy mode.
Why are all scrub trolls passive aggressive like Louiscipher?
We all know you don’t have “tech” like you know some secret thing about the mechanics no one else does, which is going to change the game, especially not my game. So why don’t you just show us your secret video.