3rd Strike Ken Scrubs

Ok, I don’t know about you guys but for me, what happens on kailera is just for fun and kicks. Don’t mean anything at all with the delay. On using the absolute best connection (LAN) I got on this moment its still not even possible to hit confirm off of a jumping roundhouse. Much less a triple short, or even a medium punch/hardpunch for Ken.

I don’t know if you guys have actual good connection or something to be able to talk this seriously about playing on kaillera. I’m guessing its just my internet connection. Actually, I’m pretty positive it is. One time a buddy came over to my place and played kaillera on good and was like “Shit man! This is impossible to play. It is nothing like this on my labtop”.

But, I will be upgrading my internet soon.

Yeah…I wish more people would pick Ken too. Too many Q scrubs.

F-that, there is way to many button bashing top teir ibuki scrubs out there :wonder:

fuck those emo transgender remys

i can’t kara palm too well on mame :(… fuck delay… 4 serious

a scrubs rant
time to go pro?

time for a challenge, more like it. I have been playing for seven years, I can play with the best of them. I just wouldn’t mind playing less Kens and more Uriens, Oro’s, Necros, etc.

lets go to godweapon now then haha

edit: i guess not then lol? challenge me anytime when you’re ready son

none of my games are connecting, got a clue why this is happening?

Well ken is a scrub anyway…also a scrub magnetic.

il beast your Q with sean =P

I am a Ken scrub myself and I find the Akuma scrubs much more annoying. I actually had one guy doing airballs after airball and whenever I got close to him he did teleport, and then right back to airballs. And then he had the nerve to call ME boring.:wink:

That’s not a very good strategy. Why don’ you punish after teleport?

lol everyone sux online except for like 10 ppl i played

reversal mashing EX shoryus? just step back and karathrow (or walk up throw if no kara).

Who said I don’t:lovin: Just not every time.

Nuuuuuuuu Remy.


and i thought online would be a yun, chun li and ken whorefest. i was wrong.

fixed it for u

Um… It doesn’t matter who I play. Just know that you will get your ass kicked if you see me play anyone but twelve. But I see no problem fighting against Ken. As a matter of fact, it makes it easier to see his weaknesses and how to fight rushdown characters with my own version of rushdown Ryu madness.