3rd Strike Desktop Backgrounds with added Darkstalkers

Ignoring the trawling for the best frame, and tying and rejecting multiple frames (as that sometimes takes ages and sometimes no time at all) not long at all. I now have a script set up for resizing sprites to keep them consistent so that is done in a few seconds, then it’s just a case of colours, composition and saving.

I’m finishing off some more DS ones so I’ll drop them in a while.

DS ones I like, I must have gotten into VSAV at the right time, so much love lately.

Sad the Aulbath one turned out sorta meh, favorite character and all =(. Might rep Anakaris, that is killer.


Any use…?

my pc pimpin, and gooooooood looks lol!

I’m diggin the style. Good shit man