3rd Strike & CVS2 Woodbine Tourney Results

Ricardo’s a bit new at this so…

1st. Marvin
2nd. Antoine
3rd. Jay
4th. Faisal
5th. Butch
5th. Leslie
7th. Ron
7th. Jonathon
9th. Nagata Lock II
9th. Merwa
9th. Sam
9th. Brian
13th. Kin Mah
13th. Zero 1
13th. M K
13th. Sheldon

That should cover it.


1st. Marvin (Ken SA3, Chun-Li SA2)
2nd. Antoine (Makoto SA1, Dudley SA3)
3rd. Jay (Dudley SA3, Ken SA3)
4th. Faisal (Chun-li SA2, Makoto SA1)
5th. Butch (Yang SA2)
5th. Leslie (Dudley SA1)
7th. Ron (Sean SA1, Yun SA3)
7th. Jonathon (Dudley SA3)
9th. Nagata Lock II (Akuma)
9th. Merwa (Oro SA2, SA1)
9th. Sam (dunno, Ken probably)
9th. Brian (Ken SA3)
13th. Kin Mah (Yun SA3, SA2)
13th. Zero 1 (no idea, Ken most likely)
13th. M K (most likely Ken, I’m not sure)
13th. Sheldon (probably Ken or Dudley)

haha sorry I dunno the rest, can someone fill it please and I’m also really interested in the chars used in CvS2.

EDIT: I remembered who Brian and Butch were, updated.

EDIT: oh yeah sorry for delaying the 3s tourney while I ate for an hour or so and for playing CvS2 in the middle of the tournament (why didn’t anyone tap my shoulder and tell me that the tournament was on already? lol). man I’m an asshole.

I’ve updated my post from a few days ago but I don’t remember 1/2 of the teams used (including yours, all I could remember was P Cammy, sorry Ron). If anyone can fill in the blanks I’ll update the post later on today.

You and Faisal playing in the middle of the tournament was so random. I was trying to get the next two players together and then all of a sudden you’re playing. I was like “WHAT THE… ah forget it.”

thanks a lot, Justin, next tourney (metro) i’m bringing my camera to take a picture of the brackets before someone throws it away and for interview videos lol.

EDIT: typo

I still have the brackets if you want them for some reason.

Interviews would be too good. Just let Marvin talk for a while about what different numbers mean in Chinese. That didn’t get tired all day long.

hhehe, well im just being lazy, i actually want to see who plays who and what and know a thing or two about counter characters without going through CvS2 threads.

stop dissapointing me jay


C-Yun, Kyo, Sak2
C-Yun, Bison, Sak2
A-Kyo, Mai, Todo2


Twelve SAI

the only reason ur yun is good is becuz of the SAII :eek:

Thats most of it.

Yeah i am very new to this turney stuff so next time i will just get the machines and times ready nagata u can do the brackets and seedings in place.

Man do i suck. :rolleyes:



of course

plz post next tourney date.

added: oh yeah tourney turned out okay as i expected, tho 3rd strike should’ve been a little more people…i think.


HA! You don’t suck, you just need more experience running tournaments. Remember when you thought you could run CvS2 and 3S simultaneously by yourself? HAHAHA!

I’ll help put together brackets for 3S but the last 3S tournament I ran from scratch didn’t go well (I put too many good players against each other early because I wasn’t up on who everyone was) so take my advice lightly.

sounds good nagata and when is a good date for the next one u think don’t wanna conflict with any other tourneys that might be happening.

we should have tourny tomorrow…thursday

1$ entries!

good practice for running tournies!


As far as I know, the only tournament coming up is the METRO Tournament on February 7th. Hmm… it may be best to host your next tournament the Saturday of March Break (the first Saturday, not the tail end because no one will have money by the tail end) as everyone will be off and willing to play some games.

STFU multiple recipients



march eh sounds good in the mean time i will have some little local tourneys for the locals get some friday night action going.

nagata i need help in setting up tourneys with the machine not in event mode ur the tourney master so i the young grasshopper await ur teachings. :slight_smile: