**3D Arcade: The Era of Neo**

Hey jason, what does your signature mean/represent? :looney::wgrin:

Confirmed :bgrin:

Good stuff to everybody tonight. Final results:

Neo V. Vader First to ten: 5-0 (Neo)
Jason V. Justin: 9-1 (Jason)
Neo V. Justin (push up match up) stipulation: Neo must use Akuma, Jill, Guile. First set: 5-4 (Neo), 2nd set: 5-1 (Neo).

Push up video is hilarious. good ggs everybody.
FFA Madness tomorrow!!!

Ok next session will prolly be me and Vader and me vs Neo dun Dun DUNNNN!!!

Didnt I win ten and not nine in a first to ten? I hate pushups

Good games tonight to everybody

whats good bako how was FFA?

and plus who has checked out the new MvC2 hip hop mixtape?

FFA was pretty good, lots of people showed up. The money matches went pretty good. Here are the results:

Neo V. BlackheartKing: 7-1
Neo V. Mike Z: 3-0
Neo V. Clockwise: 5-2
Neo V. Quicksand: 5-1
Neo/Megamands/Vader V. Khaos/Clockwise/BlackheartKing: Neo/DS/Vader

Unfortunately, there was no tourney, but the money matches were still pretty exciting.

Good shit guys

Fuck marvel

me and quicksand broke even

Is that homo?

naww dawgg…:lovin:

^^I disagree

West coast warzone is the seasons beatings and evo for the west coast.here is the info vid.pool party and after party at warzone.

Fuk marvel

West Coast Warzone seems to be very hype.

You all know that if you roll with me, you’re making money for sure.

Because we could sell you for cash :bgrin:

Good games to jason, andy and koo. Shot matches soon!:party:

see ya guys at warzone. I can FINALLY play ffa/bako.


I might be at 3d later today wit special guest justin wong killa aka Pasadena.Whos going to warzone its today and this weekend?Push up matches today fellows I am down.Bring ur gatorade aka vadorade.