2v2 Fun Tourney Time! Feb. 17th, Wed

You could also dual wield in Bushido Blade 2.

I forgot to answer a deadman’s question.

Anybody is welcome to come and play.

Bushido Blade was tight, the leap attack was my favorite heh

Thanks for hosting again Tanaka

^I’m major scrub status at any other fighting game and it’s purely evident in Bushido Blade…I find one decent move and spam the fuck out of it…I know I’m trash at all other fighting games which is why I’m trying to learn 3s and CvS2.

huge props to bowflex in his comeback in the first match of grand finals…also…really happy I got to get my cammy 2.0 on tonight. GGs to all it was cool to see another cammy player as well come out to some more stuff.

Tanaka thanks for being such an awesome host…hopefully you got a decent fill of sf4 after the tourney in the Tanaka vs all matches we had.

sorry for bad grammer or weird words this is from my phone and it can be stupid.


Ty Jeff…Bushido was raw as it is.

2nd place again? I’m cursed.

Let’s go let’s go.

Yall know the drill, and for those of you who don’t, welcome. Just show on up and we’ll get you straightened out. Come as early as 7pm and be prepared to leave by midnight, and expect to play…and be beaten…mwhahahaha.

See you guys there

Who wants to take 2nd with me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Dugg, lets form up Major League Clouds.

You need a setup Tanaka?

I’ll be there…to hold down my belt…Cammy’s comin for yall



at 1:17 the hk tatsu hits twice and the dP still lands…I’m not crazy…

Yes please, we will need another set up and one more TV.

What time you want people to come over?

tatsu = juggle state, it’s all about the recovery that usually stops you from comboing… but since it hits so late, it recovers earlier, thus letting you juggle.

^I know that but I said once when someone was playing they could have dP’d after a HK tatsu and everybody questioned me as to how seeing as it was a HK tatsu and it hit twice…I explained about the spacing and juggle timing and now have proof…thus the “I’m not crazy part”

Also Tanaka thanks for hosting and display that mother fucking awesome house of dead game…

Sry I didn’t make it out, got off of work late as per usual…