20 minutes of XBL vs. 20 minutes of PSN. Online comparison

I’ve posted about the “yellow NAT” problem on PSN before. At least this confirms I’m not the only one.

I haven’t played 3s online on PS3 but a lot of PSN users rock wifi just because the option is there. If I am not mistaken the original 360’s didn’t have wifi and something tells me most 360 users are smart enough to be directly connected.Just like the posts above the 360 network just may overall be better.

I have a green NAT for my PS3. But as stated before it’s hit or miss with other players. I got the game when it came out and only encountered 2 green connections so far.

PSN causes lag. You should get a 360 if you’re gonna take this game seriously. Near lagless online or offline is the only way to go. And yes I do too have GREEN NAT on the 360 wireless or wired…doesnt matter cuz 360’s online is superior hands down. Ive had the same experience in the ever growing fluctuance of non-stop PSN complaining. Im surprised they havent caught on to Sony’s scam. We wont make you pay for online but you get what you pay for lol.

Conclusion: Buy a 360 already and man up to the new generation otherwise good luck trying to find local offline competition. A fighting game is unplayable in a laggy environment, period. man up son.

Thank you Xbox-fanboy, appreciate such a non-biased opinion. Again, I’m not convinced that one is better than the other unless you can play the same person on XBLA/PSN and see a difference.

When I tried with SSF4 in the past with the same friends on both consoles, I always had significantly less lag issues on XBL. None of my friends have gone multi-console on this, though, so I haven’t had the chance to compare like that. I’m up for it if anyone wants to try. I’m always recording with an HD PVR, so any rollbacks and such would be evident in the recording.

Assign your PS3 to a static IP and then put that in a DMZ. You should have NAT 1 after that.

Static, you mean not given by router’s DHCP, even if i forced it to stay the same via MAC addr?

Doesn’t work for me.

I dunno, it works for me. Might be dependent on your router/modem.

@ESH That should work too

It doesn’t for me.
Thx anyway Nace!

I like how you guys swapped H and N

I have always found the XBox to be the superior online gaming system and just general gaming system overall.

Entertainment center on the other hand…

for some reason all the idiots gathers on the ps3…wink wink ; )

It’s true, and you know that dude. The amount of trolling and screaming little kids are far, far higher on 360 than PS3 and you know that dude.

But can Deviljin play the same guy on PS3/360 so we can put this to rest?

yeah about that trolling all the xbox 3fiddy guys are always tryin’ to start a console war it’s like wtf who cares holmes…(ps3 is better)
but by deviljin play the same guy on the 360 this thread would not need to be made and the console war arguments would be put to rest

and also louis I’ve seen a couple of your vids on youtube and I have a question for you, do you put a thumb down on your own vids? or the person you played that got bodied try’na get back at you?

Nice camera.

Mostly people on SRK thumbs them down. I remember two of them on GGPO found one of my channels and started thumbing a bunch of random non-3S vids down.

My signature say’s it all really.

lmao in charles barkley voice "you srs?"
even thumbing the non 3s vids down lol that is some grade a trollin’