Fuck those criminals and fuck the Huffington Post for naming the guy, but the girl who actually shot the gun.
Really sad to see anyone did, but especially over a fucking console like really? The silver lining in the story is that the family’s funeral costs are covered and the criminals look like they’re getting punished as the law is meant to do.
It would be great to watch those 2 get set on fire…or throw them in an enclosed area with large, enraged animals. Public execution is something that should be brought back. I guarantee you that society would be better off as a result. More people would then have a healthy fear of what happens if you get convicted of some stupid, evil shit. On the other hand, death is actually too good for some people in this world… I’m also in favor of lifetime solitary confinement in a small cement room–nothing but a slot in the door for some guard to slide some food over, and a drainage system that you can squat over to shit and piss… no bed, tv, internet, radio, or even books…not 1 goddamn luxury for the rest of the person’s life. It would be funny to watch just how soon some people in such a situation would start trying to commit suicide.
Its also the truth. Had this been a white person shooting a black person for a PS4 as their child was in the car. You’d bet that Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson would be leading the charge on how whites kill blacks in america.
Where have YOU been?? That race-baiting asshole was all over that shit, trying to incite a damn race war. He gave a eulogy that felt more like a barely-masked thumbs-up to kill some white people. “Michael Brown’s blood is on the ground, CRYING for VENGEANCE!! For JUSTICE!”