12 killed in Paris Terror Attack

I have quit the site but I just drop in like how micheal jordan makes apprearances in nba specials. Ive also been banished due the sites new era.

Dude over here talking to himself…

read this elsewhere, posting it here:

It’ s another silencing tactic for inconvenient truths.

Freedom of speech is freedom of speech, you either have it or you have a govt telling you what you are allowed to say. Inciting violence is one thing (which US has laws against) but ‘hate speech’ is another. Who defines what constitutes hate speech? What is the impetus behind the law? Is it to protect people from getting their feelings hurt? This is an unacceptable power for a governing body to have over citizens (not subjects).

That said, I see that with France’s hate speech laws you can apparently be prosecuted for offending religious groups, etc. CharlieHebdo satire is on the vile side I would say and is obviously intended to offend. So are the laws not equally enforced or what? Any explanation from some Euro heads?

It probably boils down to the French government saying “well I don’t think that should offend you” in once instance and saying the opposite in another.

I know this is nit-picking, but Afghanistan isn’t 100% Islam. It’s 99.7% and within that there are different practices of Islamic faith, just like there are differences in Christian faiths, i.e. Catholics, Pentecostal, Baptist, etc.

Source: http://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Demography_of_Afghanistan.html

A rise in Muslim population will always correlate with violence against women because of how their culture views women. Anyone who says otherwise is an idealistic liberal who is lying to themselves. One major factor in my opinion is in many European nations the young Muslim men are larger, stronger and more aggressive while the European men are small weak and frail. They have a mindset of tolerance and as such there will be no violent outburst by anyone if a woman is attacked by them in public. Compare that to the American south, some good ole boy would LOVE A REASON to give a beat down to someone from that culture, and considering how many former military live here and you have a good chance of violent retaliation/death for such actions.

J-ride still living in fear of the dark menace, does history books still bring you to tears of what happened to the good ole boys when they tried to raise their hands to the uppity liberals in the north? 9/10 btw.

Anybody looking at the false flag accusations? Like the video on the roof being editited when he ducks under with the cops disappearing and assailants appearing, the guy on the roof wearing a bullet proof vest, the guy getting shot in the head close range with an ak47 not bleeding at all, professional killers but they leave their id in the car, police knowing that the assailants had RPGs and such in the trunk of the car without ever checking in the car.

One thing is for certain though, Rothschild media being hellbent on creating anti Muslim sentiments and the general (retarded) popupation feeding on everything the media feeds them up the ass. Nobody even wants to ask the quastions that actually matter.

Also with all the remarks about only 1 religion (islam), why are you not saying anything that bad about bother religions? Let’s talk about the Jews shall we? In their holy book it says it’s OK to fuck and rape (non jew) children, that a Jew can kill and rape any non Jewish person and it’s alright, that non Jews (goyim?) are considered lower level individuals not even considered humans. I could go on and on without even starting about how they control all the media and form peoples opinions (the Rothschild propaganda machine), have been responsible for the wars of the last couple 100 years, that they are the true leaders of any western nation west of Poland. Again could go on and on. They’re most likely responsible, along with the US secret service agencies in false flag 911 attacks.

But it’s alright, let’s talk about isolated attacks where the truths have not been investigated properly where all opinions and newsfacts are facts and ignore all the things that we do know and not talk and it any of it.

If you fucks are gonna bash religion, bash all equally. Even if muslims had done all that they are being accused for (what for the most part IS fals), it’s still nothing compared to what Christians and Jews have done.

Also let’s not forget the biggest hypocritical muslim countries that are the most ass backwards (Saudi arab) have leaders that are not wanted and oppress their people but are supported by the Israeli/us/UK cartel. How can you critisize Saudi Arabia but not Tue countries making sure nothing changes there?

Everything is a false flag these days. I heard George W. Bush caused the extinction of the dinosaurs too so we could get oil from their dead bodies. NO BLOOD FOR OIL!!!

UH, what?

"In Sweden there is a comparatively broad definition of what constitutes rape. This means that more sexual crimes are registered as rape than in most other countries."

This a interpretation for rape in Israel:

Definition for rape differs from nation to nation.

oh, ok.
so police state style

But the graph shows time, not relation to other countries. So unless the definition changed during those years it’s irrelevant.

Wait, HOW? He had a wmd and never committed genocide, never plotted to overthrow Agrabah, or anything. Now, that nigga Mozenrath, on the other (skeletal) hand, Abis Mal, and Mechanicles…THEM niggas were terrorists. Aladdin also wasn’t religious…so his actions were guided by human decency rather than blind ideology.

All immigrants have to be from the Middle East and Muslims, right? Most immigrants in Sweden are from Finland.

Also since you guys like to show statistics, I will show one, too. Here the number of total crimes reported:

Giving the middle finger to all the people who get butthurt over cartoons

In France that would be illegal. Oh the ironing.

These guys got butthurt over cartoons.

tataki has the attention span of a goldfish. Also I think he just refuses to read or respond to any facts that he doesn’t like. It is actually pretty comical, I am enjoying it.